© 2025 State Bicycle Co..
Hell Ride - High Noon - Event Recap

On July 19th 2014 State Bicycle Co. challenged riders to HTFU and ascend South Mountain, the longest climb in Phoenix, fixed-gear at noon. Temperatures were well over 100° F. Over 100 people attended but not everyone finished. Pro-Level Cyclocross rider, Hunter Keating took the KOM earning him a one-of-a-kind jersey. The QOM went to Kapri Gonzales of Team State Bicycle Co.
As to be expected, the extreme nature of the race garnered a lot of attention. Here's a clip from the local 12 News before the race.
The ride exceeded expectations. Images from Jeffrey Oslen. See all the images & download full-res HERE.
Kapri is poised before the Hell Ride.
Some pre-Hell Ride instruction.
Co-Founder Mehdi Farsi gets in on the action. Unzipped jersey is a must.
Right out the gate an elite group went to the front and thinned out the ride.
...and then there were three.
The leaders make their way up South Mountain.
Jesse Robles launches an attack.
...and then there were two.
Hunter attacks Jesse.
Jesse attacks Hunter.
Ultimately Hunter got the last word and was the KOM on the day!
Soon after more started trickling in.
Stoked to be done.
Sponsored rider and LOOPS PHX / AZ leader Cody Goodman
B-Hard was around to greet the finishers.
No comment.
Almost there.
Did we mention heat was a factor?
The "Podium"
We <3 You All. Thanks for the support. Cya next year!