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Hell Ride High Noon II : Event Recap (Photos & Video)
On August 1, 2015 -- Roughly 70 brave souls showed up for the 2nd annual Hell Ride, which challenges riders to ascend South Mountain: the longest climb in Phoenix, AZ. Not sure if you're aware but Phoenix is hot. Like, 100 + Fahrenheit hot. Oh and the ride was fixed-gear, too. Riders were tested. Water was hastily consumed. Hell ensued. But Glory was had.
Here are a few of our favorite shots of the ride:
The group started together but instantly got broken up as soon as the grade picked up on the road.
"Paperboy" or slalom style climbing was used to combat the steep grades.
Myles Morales and Tyler Coplea jumped out to a lead by working together to conquer the climbs.
Myles, head down; doing his thing.
A group of three suffering together up the last climb.
...and another. Not very many people finished with their jerseys zipped up.
Myles pouring out a little for the homies.
Tyler Coplea getting passed by Tyler from Tucson for 2nd person up the mountain.
Myles and Tyler and happy to be finished and look for shelter from the sun.
More finishers cooling off.
Our volunteers were awesome handing out LOTS of water! Thank you!
Shout out to Miguel. You da real MVP. Boots and a Lucha Libre mask on fleek.
As it got hotter, things got a little weird :D.
Reality hits you hard bro.
Some finishers showing off their Finisher's Patches.
The KOM Myles Morales gets his jersey.
The KOM Myles and QOM Lindsey Ryder.
Group shot of most of the finishers.
Thanks again to the Park Rangers, our volunteers, and Isaac Moerke and Veronica Booth for the great photos. Cya next year!