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Checking in: How the State Bicycle Co. Team is handling Social Distancing / COVID-19
It's Springtime, and normally the State Bicycle Team's season would be in full swing. This year, the COVID-19 outbreak has put a pause on racing. Let's check in with the Team and see how some of our riders have been holding up over the last few weeks...
Since the Covid-19 lockdown I didn’t stop training and riding my bike. At the beginning, I thought that was another big flu, like H1N1 we had a few years ago, and everything would be as normal soon. Like many people, I realized, a couple of days ago, that the virus spread is now a big deal and we can see repercussions worldwide. It’s painful to see race getting canceled after a hard winter of dedicated training. Being responsible, all winter, working and spending money with a coach to reach your peak, sweating nonstop on a trainer bike or at the gym, “yes this is heartbreaking,” but we can’t control a pandemic situation like this one. In my perspective, there are two ways to see it as an athlete. The dark side would be too easy. Settle down, drift away from being responsible and drop everything. On the other side, the bright side isn’t easy! You can’t see light at the end of the tunnel. You need to deal with pain and sweat again, keep the flame of going further without certitude if there’s a bike season this summer or not. However, I chose the long way! The one where I need to find comfort in an uncomfortable situation. The one that I won’t be disappointed. I will manage to keep that flame alive as long as I can and see where I can go. I will stay positive no matter what.
With races canceled, I need to find my thrills elsewhere! BMX keeps my ability to bunnyhop downed competitors at an all-time high! I think I may start riding in my Endura kit all the time. Far less restrictive than jeans!
It's definitely been an adjustment, with no races currently on the calendar. That doesn't mean that I just stopped training, even with no races, feeling fit and fast is always a priority. Its almost been a blessing to me in a sense. The anxiety leading up to races, questioning fitness, asking yourself all these hypercritical questions. Getting close to psyching yourself out. That's all gone. Being able to focus on training, just to train, has been amazing. Throw in some quarantine, and you have to get creative.
I've been making great use of Zwift and all that comes with it, but it is just not the complete package. Maxine and I are fortunate enough to have a carport attached to our house. So while we were still able to go get supplies, we got what we needed to set up a home gym. So we now have everything we need to maximize our workouts and stay fit and sharp for whatever the next event ends up being.
It's working too. I recently matched my PB for 20min power the other day. Numbers I haven't seen in easily 2 seasons. So here's to keeping up with all the training possible, and I look forward to dropping watt bombs on the first unexpected group of racers or riders. I'm basically living that Pro Conti life now haha.
Moving to Austin, TX happened a lot sooner than I anticipated. The plan was to leave by April but with the way the COVID-19 virus was spreading, my window was closing faster by the day. It was either now or in a month or two so I rented a trailer, loaded up my stuff and the next morning Ivy and I headed out.
Settling in, I found that it may be impossible to find a job while everyone is either closed and or laying off. The positive to all this is now I will get to train frequently but solo or with Sam and on the trainer to eliminate the possibility of contracting the virus and or spreading it.
I’m still remaining hopeful that the 2020 season will start again in the summer with Tulsa Tough and later Mission Crit but I am prepared to accept the possibility of only a 2021 season.
Races may be canceled but riding is still on! The same day Austin Independent School District announced school closures, every race I was planning on doing until June was canceled. So, like everybody else, my calendar opened wide up. I’m transitioning to online teaching and most likely will never have my students in my classroom as a group again.
Bright side: I have a lot more time to train on my bike, I am still allowed to ride outside, and it’s officially Spring in Texas! I’m looking forward to the race season starting back up and I fully expect everybody to bring the thunder when it does, so I’m gonna be ready for it. Hill repeats here I come!
Working from home has made me appreciate the time I get outside, in the sunny springtime in Tucson. I don't have to rush out the door to meet the group ride, or rush to get a ride in before I go to my 9-5 office job across town. I get the opportunity to sit on my porch and enjoy my Hotbox Coffee while my roommate and I discuss which route we want to explore today, with the animals running around the yard getting out their zoomies. It's been hard to be cooped up in my house, working on my laptop, not able to go to the local hop shop and drink a post-ride beer with my friends, but these little delights of taking our time and enjoying the mornings have been nice. With more miles and longer rides outside, HelloBlue Chug gets me back home after the long days, and their Muscle Butter helps my legs recover while I hop back onto my laptop at night. I really do hope this hard time for the world doesn't last long, but when all is back to normal I will miss my porch mornings and my mid-day rides.
Johnny has been using his time to steal every KOM possible in Arizona.
Scott Piercefield
With the COVID 19 virus locking down Colorado mid-March, I found myself isolated with my wife and chilldogs long before the rest of the SBC teammies. Being weeks into lockdown, I have kept myself busy with plenty to tackle at work and a spring garden to prepare for. Work takes up most of the day with bottomless conference calls, product learning modules, video conferencing, and EMAILS EMAILS EMAILS. I also finally found time to sharpen my espresso skills and really hone in on a tasty dopio which allows me to fully enjoy Hotbox Roasters beans.
Here I am with son, giving him a goodbye kiss before I go training on the local trails. Look how much swag he has.
Spring gardening in Colorado mostly means you start all of your plants indoors. In my kitchen is where you’ll find my pepper plants, microgreens, and spices- most are ready to plant into the ground but they’ll have to wait until snow stops mid-May. In addition to this, I also have 2 4x4 greenhouses in the backyard where I grow beets, carrots, and cool weather mixed greens from Feb-June.
I’m a superhot pepper freak. Pictured are some Carolina reapers. They’re pretty tasty, a little high on heat (comparable to a bottle of pepper spray).
The last 2 months outside have been spent almost 100% exclusively on my new SBC gravel bike. I can’t get enough of it and can’t wait for State to release it so others can see why I’m so stoked on this thing!
Take care and be safe. Use this time to recollect yourself, sharpen the saw, and better yourself altogether. In no time we will all be back together on the roads. Shout out to all essential workers, first responders, and all healthcare employees- You continue to work tirelessly to save lives and ensure the world doesn’t stop. I can’t thank you enough, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Love you all!
Our Team is made possible with the gracious support of our fantastic Sponsors!